Men's Committee 2025

Men's Club Committee members and their contact email addresses

All communications to the Men's Club should be channeled through the specific emails listed below where possible. For General Men's Club inquirers please email

Mens Committee 2025

Vice CaptainKillian O'
Club SecretaryJohn
Competitions SecretaryDeclan
Handicap SecretaryGerry
Inter Club Co-OrdinatorScott
Junior ConvenorAustin
Social SecretaryPadraic O'
Ex OfficioSeamus
Ordinary MemberJohn Quinn
Ordinary MemberAlan Leamy
Ordinary MemberShu Hoashi

January 2024 Minutes

January 8th 2024 Minutes

Attendees Present:
Allen Corcoran, Seamus Lynch John Ennis, Alan Leavy, AustinBoyle, Killian O’Flynn, Gerry Murray, Sheamus Considine, Padraic O’Leary, Adrian Murphy, and Alan Leamy

Apologies were received from Adrian Guckian and Paul Mimnagh

The Minutes of the meeting held on December 4th were accepted, with a small change agreed.
Proposer was Allen Corcoran
Seconder was Austin Boyle

1) Carton / Fairmont Updates
Liam McCool was able to to update on Fairmont plans to renovate the kitchen area with some closure days in the Carriage House and also a short disruption in the layout for dining. He also confirmed the team were in the middle of membership renewals but he did not have an overall view yet on numbers. He confirmed there would be no delay on the member renewal packs.

He was able to confirm that 45k Euro in new sand had been purchased for the course bunkers and would begin to arrive in the next few days – depending on the ground conditions being suitable to get the trucks close to the bunkers. He also confirmed that the work on the new putting green would commence as soon as possible as well as access paths to/from the 14th and 17th holes on the O’ Meara course.

He had received lots of comments from members during the renewal phase and some good ideas about the member benefits and experience in Carton for which he was grateful.

2) Captain’s Update
The Captain reported AGM plans were well underway was scheduled for January 17th 2024. He had invited Martin Mangan and John Plummer to this meeting and hoped that they would be able to attend. Members would get a final reminder over this next weekend to encourage a good turnout. 

He mentioned that the switch over to Golf Genius was being planned and felt that this would be achieved early in the New Year.He thanked everyone for the work on committee during his term of office and looked forward to assisting the new captain in his role during 2024.

3) Finance report
a. We had an income of €134,314
b. We had outgoings/expenditure of €137,877
c. This excess of expenditure over income of €3,563 has the impact of reducing our cash at bank from €82,981 to €79,418 from end December 2022 to 2023.
d. Our accruals going into 2024 are €3K,

Alan Leavy explained that the outcome for the financial year, meant that income and expenditure were almost matched for 2023.

He commented that the income from the club fundraiser day in July meant that the decrease in member numbers had not impacted too much on the overall running of the club. He mentioned that the new fee information from Golf Ireland – from 24-28 euro had not been communicated in advance and therefore members who settled the invoices early had a 4 euro advantage before it could be changed on the system.
Alan also reported that the new software price had increased from 1945 to 2465 Euro.

4) Vice Captain’s Update
Seamus Lynch has completed the diary for 2024 and there was some discussion about the key dates but the plan was accepted by all.

He was well advanced in ensuring that all the officer slots were confirmed but had some final discussions about replacements for some members who were stepping down. 

5) Social Report
Adrian Murphy reported that members who attended the social event on December 16th had enjoyed the golf and especially the good atmosphere in the Carriage House afterwards. He felt that the timing of this event was ideal and we should repeat next year around the same time.

6) Interclub Teams
Killian reported that he intended to enter the club into the full suite of Golf Ireland interclub competitions plus the Duggan Cup and the North Leinster Alliance. Some changes to the format for some comps had been notified

7) Handicap report
Gerry Murray reported by email that the annual handicap review meant that 6 adjustments had been made to member handicaps as a result of the review and these adjustments had been communicated to those members involved, implemented and accepted. He reported that the ability to report general play rounds had been switched off for the O Meara course until conditions improved. Gerry Murray reported that 2 new Corporate and 3 individual members had applied to join the Men's club and these new applications were approved.

8) Communications
There was no report on communications.

9) Competition Report
John thanked his sub-committee for the great work they had carried out in helping him complete all comps for 2023. The Comps sub-committee had processed 7854 cards during the year with an average of 200 members playing in the medal comps, 420 in the Captain’s Prize, 219 in the Vice Captain’s and 156 in the 2023 President’s prize

10) Junior’s Report
Austin reported that an invitation to join the Liffey Valley comp for juniors had been received but after due consideration he felt it better to defer this for the time being. He was also trying to complete a register of the Junior section members date of birth and including resident’s children

11) AOB
The secretary commented on the upcoming Golf Ireland meeting and got permission from the meeting to allow him to vote for the club at the meeting – the Vice-Captain will also attend this meeting in Westmanstown on Monday 15th January 2024

12) Next meeting 

Will be on February 12th 2024 at 7.30pm

February 2024 Minutes

February 12th 2024 Minute

Attendees Present:
Declan Meagher, Paul Mimnagh, Seamus Lynch, Alan Leamy, Adrian Guckian, Adrian Murphy, Killian O’Flynn, John Quinn, Austin Boyle

Apologies were received from John Ennis, Shu Hoashi, Allen Corcoran, Gerry Murray

The Minutes of the meeting held on January 8th were accepted.
Proposer was Paul Mimnagh
Seconder was Adrian Murphy

1) Carton / Fairmont Updates
Liam was unable to make the meeting but provided the following update to Seamus Lynch
- The Carraige House to reopen on 23rd Feb
- New members menu will be announced soon
- List of renewed members and non-renewing members are being circulated
- Course update – 14th / 16th paths O’Meara are being worked on as is the bunker upgrade work on both courses
- Captains to meet with John Plummer
- More information will be forthcoming regarding Ladies Open
- Fairmont will send out a newsletter to members
- Golf genius – work ongoing with Men’s Club to implement

2) Captain’s Update
Seamus welcomed the new committee and thanked everyone for being involved.
Work will focus on the following areas
- Constitution upgrading as required
- Diary for the year being sent out
- Captains Meeting with John Plummer
- Update on membership numbers from Fairmont ongoing
- Access to ClubV1 for new committee members if needed
- Ensure handovers from past committee members to new members where needed
- Drive in set for 6th April – work ongoing with Fairmont on costs and pricing of F&B for event
- Meeting to be held with Treasurer relating to budget
- Good turnout to the recent rules night held in the club
- Council meeting scheduled for end Feb/ early March – agenda will be agreed.
- Golf and informal meeting for committee to be held shortly

3) Finance report
- Adrian is new treasurer and is hoping to have a handover meeting with Alan Leavy asap.
- Mandate forms etc. to be signed and submitted to banks.
- Plan is for a draft budget to be prepared and presented at the next meeting.
- Discussion held around sponsorship options for the mens club to supplement income if the membership numbers fall.

4) Vice Captain’s Update
- Bursary TBD.
- Away day in Baltray will be 25th July.

5) Social Report
- Planning underway for Captains Drive in.

6) Interclub Teams
- All comps entered into and paid for.
- Work ongoing to allocate managers to a small number of teams.
- Leinster North Alliance underway

7) Handicap report
- New members to be approved.
- 11 new members
- 12 transfer requests received to date
- Changes to WHS from 1st April will be communicated through the Newsletter

8) Communications
Newsletter sent out including comps results, Winter League update, call for interclub players and diary links.

9) Competition Report
Thanks given to John Lucid for the work carried out by him and the team last year.

10) Junior’s Report
Coaching sessions ongoing.
Quiet time for juniors at the moment.

11) Sub Committee Appointments
All sub committees proposed and ratified at meeting.
Junior Committee - Colin Cunningham and Brian Cunningham
Handicap Committee – Gerry Murray, Joe Lavin, Joe Foley and Shu Hoashi
Finance Committee – Adrian Guckian, Alan Leamy
Mens Competitions Committee – Declan Meagher appointed, along with the following sub-committee members – Declan Murphy, John Giblin, John Quinn, Martin Duncan, Martin McInerney, Pat O’Mahony and Tom Healy.

11) AOB
Matters Arising from the AGM discussed.

March 2024 Minutes

March 25th 2024 Minutes

Attendees Present:
Gerry Murray, Declan Meagher, Paul Mimnagh, Seamus Lynch, Allen Corcoran,Adrian Guckian, John Ennis, Adrian Murphy, Killian O’Flynn, John Quinn, Shu Hoashi.
Apologies were received from Austin Boyle,Alan Leamy, Padraic O’ Leary.

1) Faimont Update
• Liam reported that progress was being made on the various projects on the course – even if the timetable had slipped a little.
• Contractors have begun clearing the fallen tree at the 16th bridge on the O’Meara course, all should be removed by the weekend
• Paths around the 14th tee and back of 16th green on the O’Meara are scheduled to be tarmacked from the 18th April.Contractor for new putting green due onsite this week
• Maintenance work on the O’Meara greens started on 25th March, they have been solid-tined. Aerating greens with solid-tines is becoming more popular, which helps to speed up the aeration process while still filling the holes with sand to dilute thatch and organic matter.
• Bunkers continue to be drained and topped up with sand, the weather has prevented the team from accessing some areas of the course.
• Montgomerie greens have recently been hollow cored
• Kitchen renovations are almost complete and the new members menu is in place

2) Previous minutes
• The Minutes of the meeting held on February 12th were accepted.
Proposer was Allen Corcoran
Seconder was Adrian Murphy

3) Captain’s Update
• Finance – budget discussions with Treasurer; discussions on €8k allowance with Fairmont, and decision to revert to existing process until further discussions happen
• Membership number discussions with Liam & Derbhail
• Competitions – discussions with Comp Sec on various handover topics
• Council meeting – held on Tuesday, 19th.
• Captain’s Drive-In - continued preparations in conjunction with Lady Captain
• Social event pricing – discussions with Derbhail on pricing for all social events and inter-club meals.
• Rules on water holes – discussions on potential changes to rules on water holes with Shu

Key areas of focus over the coming weeks will be preparation for the Joint Captains’ Drive-In, continued engagement with Liam and John on course conditions and improvements and ongoing discussions on the club budget.

4) Finance report
• The Treasurer explained the projected loss of approx. 85 members from the Men’s Club has significantly impacted the revenue of the Men’s Club. Based on the subscription of €245, income will be down almost €21k. In order to prevent further loss of membership, the Men’s Club is attempting to maintain the offering and experience for the remaining membership on this tighter budget and in an increased cost landscape.
• He is examining potential sponsorship avenues – to bridge the divide that has been created between projected income and expense. The general conclusion was that an approach could be made to Fairmont in this regard. In addition, it might be wise to consider holding another club development day at Carton in either late June or September.
• The Captain and Treasurer will follow up with Fairmont to discuss potential options of support.

5) Vice Captain’s Update
• The Bursary list is due imminently & we will then decide the allocation of money. The budget will be the same as last year as agreed with the Treasurer.
• Preparations for the Vice Captains day are under-way & details to follow in next committee meeting in April,

6) Social Report
• Since Padraic O’ Leary was not present there was no update or social report-

7) Interclub Teams
Killian O’Flynn commented on his key areas of focus since the last meeting;
• North Leinster Senior Alliance final fixture scheduled for 25/03/2024 against Headford.
• Draws received this month for other 12 interclub competitions.
• First fixture will be the Leinster Trophy vs. Hermitage on 28/04/2024.
• Provisional tee times and post-match meals booked for all first fixtures.
• Interclub Team Members reports circulated to all Team Captains.
• Interclub Challenge vs. St. Annes scheduled for 07/04/2024. There will be 3 x Senior Cup matches, 3 x Fred Daly matches and 6 x Barton Cup matches
And his key areas of focus for the next month
• Junior Interclub competitions have to be entered by 25/03/2024.
• Confirm teams for the challenge match against St. Annes on 07/04/2024.
• Provide matchday support for the Leinster Trophy fixture on 28/04/2024.
• Confirm team captains for the Leinster Fourball and Junior Cup teams.
• Team Captain’s Contact Directory to be populated on Golf Ireland Club Hub.
• Newsletter to be issued on team captains and first round fixtures.
• Official Team Sheets to be circulated to all team captains.
• Fixture dates, times and courses to be agreed with opponents.

8) Handicap report
• Gerry reported that 3 new membership applications were submitted for approval, and approved.
• He also mentioned that we need to implement the points deduction approach for our winter competitions, to ensure maximum distribution of prizes across members, as we had done in previous years.
• He also mentioned that the club needed to delete ex-members from the Golf Ireland Clubhouse before March 31st.

9) Communications
• Paul reported that updated comms continued to be supplied to members on a regular basis and in addition where required.

10) Competition Report
• Declan indicated his intention to use Golf Genius as the software for the upcoming Captain’s Drive In Scramble and asked the committee to download the software and he gave a short demo on the key points.
• He also mentioned that due to the decrease in numbers in the Men’s club, he would be revising downward the competition prize levels to ensure equitable distribution.
• Matchplay Registration has now opened up and a notice would be sent out to remind interested members to register.

11) Junior Report
Austin was unable to attend the meeting but did have the following comments by email.
• Coaching ongoing and to finish in early April. No cost to junior budget for coaching as entirely funded by coaching fee.
• Outings this year to be organised by 18-hole golfers and cadets on alternate weeks.
• Meeting held with sub-committee for Junior Boys Cadets to plan cadet outings.

And his key areas of focus after this meeting
• Junior Captain’s Drive-In – complete preparations, confirm dates with Men’s and Ladies Captains & hold the event on Sunday 7th April.
• Agree sponsorship approach for Juniors in line with allocated 2024 budget.
• Work with the Girls Junior section to plan integration into one overall Junior Section for 2025.

11) AOB

Golf Genius 

The new software project is proceeding well and Allen Corcoran reported that Get GI connection now in place.
- Allen to get draft project plan together and shared with both clubs and then have a working group setup to meet ahead of the training sessions. Allen to get the accounts over to Alex to get user accounts setup
- Setup the training sessions in the next 3 weeks


Shu circulated a document for initial discussion on a review of the rules relating to the water holes on both courses. Input will be sought from a GI rules official in the coming weeks to discuss the current rules, and any potential refinements that might be useful.

Next meeting will be held on Monday 29nd April at 7.30pm

April 2024 Minutes

April 29th 2024 Minutes

Attendees Present:
Gerry Murray, Declan Meagher, Paul Mimnagh, Seamus Lynch, Allen Corcoran,Adrian Guckian, Austin Boyle, Padraic O’ Leary, John Ennis, Adrian Murphy, Killian O’Flynn, John Quinn, Shu Hoashi.
Apologies was received from Alan Leamy

1) Faimont Update
• Liam reported that the work on pathways on 14th and 16th on the O’Meara course had been completed.
• The new putting green area has been drained by contractors and the green will be laid shortly. He thought it would then take 12-14 weeks to bed in properly.
• There had been a good response to the volunteer request for the Ladies Open – internally and externally

2) Previous minutes
• The Minutes of the meeting held on March 25th were accepted.
Proposer was Gerry Murray
Seconder was Declan Meagher

3) Captain’s Update
• Captains’ Drive-In on Saturday, 6th – successful day overall. Thanks to all who helped in advance and on the day, in particular Liam, Thomas and their staff, and Declan and his competitions sub-committee. Many thanks to all members who supported the day, and congratulations to the winners.
• Junior Captains’ Drive-In on Sunday, 7th – tremendous day, with a great turnout, excellent 5-hole scramble competition and prize-giving afterwards. Thanks to Austin and Colin for their continued great work with the juniors. Best of luck to Aoife Lyons and Brian Synnott for the year ahead.
• Committee Away in Headfort GC – many thanks to all who attended and to the hosts for their superb course and hospitality.
• Course conditions and F&B – we have continued to engage with Liam and John Plummer / Martin Mangan on course improvements, and acknowledge the progress made with the bunkers and the pathways, the course conditions overall and the experience in the Carriage house and the Halfway Houses.

Key Focus Areas after this meeting:
Council meeting – due to be held on Monday, 13th May.
Inter-Club – support for the various teams as the schedule gets underway in earnest.
Finance – support the progress of options for fundraising.
Course updates – continue to engage with Liam & John.
Carriage House and Halfway Houses – continue to engage with Liam and Thomas

4) Finance report
• Adrian reported that the reconciliation between Fairmont and the Mens’s club had been largely completed and he was now waiting on the payment agreed.
• The control aspects on sign off for food and beverage was working well and he appreciated the move to photos of invoices for team refreshment in the club house

5) Vice Captain’s Update
• Adrian reported that all arrangements were in place for the Vice Captain’s prize on the weekend of 10th-12th May – the first major event of the new season. This included starting the comp on Friday with up to 80 spots available. Food would be available as well. He also hoped to have a drinks reception and possibly the presentation outside if weather permitted. A live clubhouse scoreboard might also be possible.

6) Social Report
• Padraic reported that the joint captains drive in was a huge success. He congratulated Seamus and Sinead on organising a great day. Food and service was very good, and the event went off very well.
• The next big event in our calendar is the Vice Captains prize on the 10th and 11th of May. Adrian has been very busy arranging and negotiating the event as follows.
• Platters on Friday evening for the players who play on Friday evening.
• Sit down meal/buffet (yet to be decided) at 7.30pm on Saturday night.
• Choice of salmon and salad or chicken curry and rice.
• Selection of deserts afterwards for members.
• Entertainment laid on as follows.
o KJ Mc Evoy in the bar from 5pm till 7pm
o Dave Browne on piano with a female singer later in the evening (Dave was lead singer with picture house).
o Have asked Fairmont for a drink’s reception on arrival tbc.
• First Friday evening mixed social is penciled in for the 17th of May.

7) Interclub Teams
Killian reported that his key focus area since last meeting
• St. Annes challenge match complete.
• North Leinster Senior Alliance League now complete.
• Leinster Trophy and Leinster Fourball fixtures complete.
• Defeated by Hermitage and New Forest respectively.
Current Key areas of focus
• Mixed Fourball match vs. Slade Valley on 05/05/2024.
• Jimmy Bruen and Leinster Senior Interclub set for weekend of 12/05/2024.
• Barton Cup and Pierce Purcell set for w/e 19/05/2024.
• Junior Cup and Barton Shield thereafter,
• Mixed Foursomes and Duggan Cup in early June,
• Senior Cup in late June,

8) Handicap report
Gerry reported that 3 new members had been accepted since the last meeting and in the year to date he had noted some members who had left previously had re-joined the club
• He and his sub-committee had agreed that a mid-year review of handicaps will take place around July.

9) Communications
• Paul thanked the committee for providing timely updates to him for relaying to the members in his comms.

10) Competition Report
• Declan reported that he would commence a trial of mixed tees to see the impact on member enjoyment, It would probably mean a more enjoyable round for the seniors and the handicap change would equalise the advantage they would receive.

11) Junior Report
• Junior Captain’s Drive-In – successful event held with Men’s and Ladies Captains on Sunday 7th April with prize-giving afterwards in the clubhouse.
• Outings this year to be organised by 18-hole golfers and cadets on alternate weeks. First outings up and running with a very successful cadet outing on
the 28th April.
• Meetings held with sub-committee for Junior Cadets to plan cadet lessons

12) AOB
• New Fundraising ideas were discussed and this will be tabled for the next committee meeting
• New local rule changes were also discussed to cover some situations during play and these will be confirmed in time for inclusion in the new playing card print run.

Next meeting will be held on Monday May 27th at 7.30pm

May 2024 Minutes

May 27th 2024 Minutes
Attendees Present:
Gerry Murray, Declan Meagher, Seamus Lynch, Allen Corcoran, Austin Boyle, Padraic O’ Leary, Adrian Murphy, Killian O’Flynn, , Alan Leamy, Shu Hoashi.

Apologies was received from John Ennis, Adrian Guckian, John Quinn, Paul Mimnagh

Minutes recorded by Allen Corcoran

1) Fairmont Update
All bunker works have now been completed on The Montgomerie course. The greenside bunkers on 1,2,5 and 6 will remain as GUR for at least another week as the sod needs time to knit together.

We will keep you updated on this progress over the next week.

The new putting green is scheduled to open in mid July, weather permitting.

The new 14th white tee should be open in mid June.

Pitch marks continue to be an issue especially the par 3 holes, please continue to help as best possible.

We should have final details of the presidents day format from Martin by this Wednesday 29th,fairly certain it will a drinks reception/presentation at the front of the house followed by a BBQ in the carriage house.

2) Previous minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on April 29th were accepted.

Proposer was Gerry Murray
Seconder was Adrian Murphy

3) Captain’s Update
Inter-Club – weekly attendance at and support for all the various teams in action during May, plus Munster Strokeplay. Congratulations to all of our successful teams, and thanks to all our managers, players and caddies who have participated with all teams to date.

Course updates – continued to engage with Liam and John on areas of development, in particular.

Montgomerie bunkers, practice/warm-up area and new pathways

Council meeting held on May 13th – key points:

  • Course updates – putting greens, short-game area, Monty greenside bunkers, Monty bunkers, course definition, walkers
  • Finance – invoices and reconciliations, payments, relationship with Finance Dept., Annual sub draw, 2025 subs indication
  • F&B – menus, specials, mobile offering
  • Events – feedback, Pres. Prize, Fairmont events in Carriage House, Nine & Dine.
  • Women’s Irish open – volunteers, availability of Montgomerie, Monday and Tuesday access to O’Meara

4) Finance report
Adrian Guckian met with the new head of finance for the Fairmont resort last week. Overall, a very positive meeting and all issues were raised and review and met with positively.

5) Vice Captain’s Update
Adrian thanked everyone for their help and support around a very successful vice captains day.

6) Social Report
The big event in June is of course presidents day. Working closely with Fairmont on schedule and overall event. Hoping to get it moved from Carriage House to the front of the hotel for the reception, weather permitting and if Fairmont can make it work.

7) Interclub Teams
The Men’s Club has played 11 interclub matches this season to date, winning five and losing six (three on the last hole at home).

The Pierce Purcell, Fred Daly, Barton Shield, Leinster Seniors and Mixed Four-ball recorded wins (the latter losing in round 2).

Player interest has been very strong for most competitions but the team captain pool has narrowed (fewer members, greater focus on playing).

The match-day support from Fairmont has been good, with practically everything operating as expected (tee times, post-match meals, team captain buggies).

The Irish Mixed Foursomes, Senior Cup and Duggan Cup will play their first-round matches over the coming weeks. Others will play second round matches.

The Barton Shield Leinster Quarter Final will be held at Druids Heath on July 6th against

8) Handicap report
Gerry Murray noted that there were no new members since the last meeting.

He talked about the hole indexes report on Clubhouse which he had generated and reviewed and suggested that a limited number should be examined.

9) Competition Report
Vice Captains Prize summary. Full tee sheet and accommodated everyone who wanted to play with a few adjustments. Very positive feedback on the Live Leaderboards on the TVs in the bar.

Very interesting feedback from Joe Lavin on mixed tee competitions. Baltray/Ballyliffin/Portmarnock all using. Committee discussed and felt maybe a trial on one upcoming event would be worthwhile.

Match Play round one complete, no extensions given. Date for completion of round 2 is 23rd of June

Testing various scenario’s in Golf Genius. Met Austin to discuss best way to hold junior trials of GG, hopefully in June.

Need Fairmont to make contact with BRS, with the aim to get them to improve integration with Golf Genius. As it stands there are some key drawbacks which need to be raised. Allen agreed to get the top 3 issues from Declan and organize a meeting with BRS and GG with Fairmont to review.

Presidents Prize. Apart from running comp, we will see can we use TV in bar for Live Leaderboards and make a real effort to get more men who won prizes at the prize giving.

10) Junior Report
Captain’s Prizes to the Juniors h – successful event held with Men’s and Ladies Captains on

Sunday 12th May with prize-giving afterwards in the clubhouse.

Cadet and 18-hole golfer’s outings underway on alternate weekends.

Cadet lessons also underway running every 2 weeks throughout the summer months.

Order for Cadet gear/clothing progressing.

Fred Daly team beat Lucan and are away to Edmondstown on Sunday 2nd June in the next round.

Liam McCool has approved photos of Junior Captain’s to go on wall beside Senior Captain’s photos.

Girls Interclub 02/07 - Elm Park Qualifier.

Boys Interclub 04/07 - Delgany Qualifier.

Boys Foursomes Round 2 (Bye in 1 st Round) – 15/06 in Carton.

Boys Leinster U15’s at home against Stackstown to be played by the 07/07.

Austin asked Allen Corcoran what volunteering roles were open to juniors for the ladies irish open

11) AOB
Allen/Declan to speak to Tom Healy about sourcing a second label printer for the other PC terminal at sign in

Getting further help out in supporting the interclub matches and inputting scores into GG for each match. Members really enjoying the live scoring coming through in the matches

Next meeting will be held on Monday July 1st at 7.30pm

July 2024 Minutes

July 1st 2024 Minutes

Attendees Present:
Gerry Murray, Declan Meagher, Seamus Lynch, Allen Corcoran, Austin Boyle, Padraic O’
Leary, Adrian Murphy, Killian O’Flynn, Adrian Guckian, John Quinn, Paul Mimnagh.

Apologies was received from John Ennis, Alan Leamy, Shu Hoashi.

Minutes recorded by Allen Corcoran

1) Fairmont Update
New putting green is scheduled to open middle of July.
We are due to meet the Ladies European Tour on the 10th July – we will address the hazards and their markings as recently outlined by Shu.
John is expecting delivery of signs regarding pitch marks this week.
We took delivery of 200 new divot bags today.
Security is a big issue and I hope to meet Martin over the next few days to highlight incidents over the last few weeks.
Tournament update due shortly.
New 14th tee on O’Meara now open but play will be restricted initially.
15th tee on O Meara to be on original white tee from now on.

2) Previous minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on May 27th were accepted.
Proposer was Padraic O’Leary
Seconder was Gerry Murray

3) Captain’s Update
Inter-Club – weekly attendance at and support for all the various teams in action during June. Congratulations to all of our successful teams, and thanks to all our managers, players and caddies who have participated with all teams to date.

Course updates – positive progress in the conditioning and definition of both courses,in particular the upgraded Montgomerie bunkers, practice/warm-up area, O’Meara new pathways and 1st tee.

Bursary amounts agreed and paid to three nominees.

Prize draw – free member subscription for 2025 secured for raffle and announced at President’s Prize event.

Course care – appeal to members to do our best in this area.

Thanks to Fairmont for the successful running of the President’s Prize event.

Thanks to all committee members for their contributions and efforts this month. It was very much appreciated.

4) Finance report
A further meeting with Fairmont’s new Financial Controller scheduled. 

Implementation of new system to manage Invoices from Fairmont has resulted in much better presentation of invoices and accompanying receipts since system

Keeping on top of payments.

Discussions held with AIB relating to moving cash reserves into a savings account.

2024 Carton House Members Prize Draw – Adrian asked for committee volunteers to join in the setup of a subcommittee. Adrian Murphy agreed to join Adrian and James O’Loughlin in leading out the initiative.

5) Vice Captain’s Update
Baltray trip now fully booked for the club away day. To be held on Friday, September 20th with 40 slots available. Adrian also coordinating a bus to and from the venue.

6) Social Report
Pink / Blue Day – currently 20 July. Discussed with committee and advise was to postpone due to lack of key people being available to help and coordinate. Seamus
to follow up and review with the lady captain and make a decision in the coming week.
Alternatives proposed were September 14th or 28th.

7) Interclub Teams
Men’s Club have played 19 interclub fixtures YTD, winning 12 (63%).

Semi-Final achieved in the Fred Daly Trophy.

Additional 9 fixtures scheduled, including four Quarter Finals.

Good participation, preparation and performance.

Managing costs with budget.

Next up in July:

  • Fixtures for Girls’ Interclub, Boys’ Interclub and Boys Foursomes (QF).
  • Quarter Finals of Barton Shield, Pierce Purcell Shield and Senior Cup.
  • Next Round of Duggan Cup, Mixed Foursomes and Leinster Senior Men.
8) Handicap report
Gerry Murray noted that there were no new members since the last meeting. Gerry is now started the process of planning out the mid-year handicap review.

9) Competition Report
Presidents Prize. Got results in within 15 minutes of last group getting in. 7 of the 9 overall/division/gross winners in attendance, only 3 had intended going prior to contact from us.

Helped Austin with trials of digital scoring with juniors. Went well overall with a few issues to iron out.

Club Matchplay round 2 completed. Too many coin tosses and bye’s. Will review at end of season, but suggestion would be qualifiers next year to reduce need for matches at a very busy time of year.

Consulted with Golf Genius on what I see as the deficiencies of their current integration with BRS and features we would like implemented. Overall felt they
acknowledged them, but no promises on a timeline for implementing improvements. Did get at least one positive in learning that BRS are working on probably the biggest issue currently.

10) Junior Report
Golf genius competition setup for Sunday 23rd June and Thursday 27th June. Good feedback on the digital scoring and this will remain in place for the remainder of the
year. A few issues uncovered and feedback with Dec Meagher. A big thanks to Dec for all his help setting up the comps.

Fred Daly team lost to Greystones on Sat 22nd June in Leinster Semi-final. A great effort from the boys but beaten by a very strong Greystones team on the day.

Replacement cup identified for the Junior Golfer of the Year (Lee Mallaghan Memorial Trophy) – approximate cost €1000 (TBC).

Cadet and 18-hole golfer’s outings underway on alternate weekends with some great numbers attending. Cadet lessons also underway running every 2 weeks with great attendance.

Junior interclub coming up:

  • Girls Interclub 02/07 - Elm Park Qualifier.
  • Boys Interclub 04/07 - Delgany Qualifier.
  • Boys Foursomes Round 3 (Home against Edmondstown) – 5/07
  • (Montgomerie).
  • Boys U15 Round 1 (Home against Stackstown) – 6/07 (Montgomerie).

11) AOB
New website – Allen Corcoran raised and agreed to coordinate a meeting with Alan Leamy and John Quinn to kick off the project ahead of the next committee meeting.

Next meeting will be held on Monday August 12th at 7.30pm (after bank holiday weekend).

August 2024 Minutes

August 12th 2024 Minutes

Attendees Present:
Gerry Murray, Declan Meagher, Seamus Lynch, John Ennis, Austin Boyle, Padraic O’ Leary, Allen Corcoran,  Killian O’Flynn.Apologies was received from Adrian Murphy, Alan Leamy, Shu Hoashi. Adrian Guckian, John Quinn, Paul Mimnagh.

1) Fairmont Update
There was no Fairmont representative present for the meeting.

2) Previous minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on July 1st were accepted.
Proposer was Padraic O’Leary
Seconder was Killian O Flynn

3) Captain’s Update
Inter-Club –support for all the various teams in action during the month and a special thanks to Killian O Flynn for coordinating teams, results and updates.

Course updates – positive opinions on the conditioning and definition of both courses. In particular the O Meara course is looking much more pristine and is benefiting from the additional attention.

Course care – further communication to members will help to improve bunker tracks.

Captain’s Prize is scheduled for August 24th (1st Round on the Montgomerie course) and September 7th (2nd Round on the O’ Meara course).

Currently considering a draw for partners in the Captains Prize Round 1 in half-hour slots.

Seamus is in communication with Fairmont with regard to arrangements for the KPMG Women’s Open and especially with regard to tickets for the event and car parking.

Also considering that the joint Captains banquet may not be held this year due to number of other events taking place and potential costs of same.

Planning a Social evening for October 19th 2024 – will be called DRIVE OUT.

Planning away trips to Baltray GC (20th September) for all members and Sligo trip Oct 4th and 5th 2024.

4) Finance report
Adrian Guckian was attending the Golf Sixes in Millicent and was unable to attend the meeting but his report was emailed in to committee.

Key areas of focus since last meeting

  • Main area of focus was to establish the framework for the Carton House GC Members Fundraiser Draw 2024
  • The final set of rules governing the draw are included in the Appendix
  • Tickets will be sold at sign in on Captains Qualification and the Prize Draw will be held on Oct 19th.
  • Ladies Club sold 100 tickets at Day 1 of their Captains Day so realistically it is possible the Men’s Club sell in excess of 400 tickets (approx. €20,000) – we have 600 tickets printed in total.
  • Both Sum Up card payment systems received from Alan Leavy for use in taking payments for tickets.
  • All payments up to date
  • New system implemented with Fairmont working well.
  • Agreed system for splitting of bills with Ladies Club for post inter club match meal expenses.
  • Thanks to Adrian M, James O Loughlin, Lady Captain and Ger O’Leary for their contributions to putting the Fundraiser in place – and big thanks for Claudine Heavey for putting the artwork for the posters and tickets in place.
Key areas of focus after this meeting
  • Finalise set up for the sale of tickets
5) Vice Captain’s Update
There was no Vice Captain’s update.

6) Social Report
Padraic O’ Leary commented that the Nine, Wine and Dine on Friday was a very successful evening with a large  turnout of approximately 70 people. The prizes were sponsored by CBE and Michael Gaughan was there on the night to present the prizes. Our last Nine, Wine and Dine will be held in September.

Captains Prize Day 1 will take place the weekend after next with Day 2 pencilled in for the 7th of September. Will meet up with the captain shortly to start planning the food etc for the evening of the 7th.

Trip to Baltray on the 20th of September has been organised by Adrian Murphy. 40 spaces available and will be taken on a first book and pay basis. As usual there will be a return bus organised with some extra insurance thrown in this year,

Trip to Sligo on the 4th and 5th of October has been ably organised by Allen Corcoran. 

The big event of the Year for Carton Golf club the KPMG Women’s Irish Open is just around the corner. Seamus has worked closely with Liam and his team to represent members interests during the event, and I am sure it will be a great week.

7) Interclub Teams
Carton House entered 25 interclub competitions this season and remains active in six. It has won two provincial pennants (to date) and qualified for one provincial final, four semi-finals and six quarter-finals in other competitions.

Of particular note have been the performances of the Women’s Senior Foursomes and Girls Interclub, who are both now preparing for national finals.

The Women’s Minor Foursomes were narrowly beaten in a provincial final, which was a fantastic achievement.

While the Women’s Club rightly claim the limelight for a stellar season to date, the Men’s Club also qualified for three semi-finals and three quarter-finals across six competitions.

Pennant hopes remain with the Leinster Boys Under 15 team.

Overall, Carton has played 57 interclub fixtures this year and won 38, which equates to a 67% win rate.

It remains active in six competitions, including the aforementioned national finals and the provincial semi-final of the Women’s Senior Cup.

Upcoming Fixtures:

  • Senior Cup (W) SF 11/08 vs. Woodbrook.
  • Leinster U15 Boys R3 17/08 vs. Elm Park.
  • Girls Interclub 21/08 National Finals.
  • Carton Cup (W) R3 25/08 vs. Grange.
  • Leinster 4ball (W) QF 25/08 vs. Greystones.
  • Senior Foursomes (W) National QF 30/08 vs. Naas

8) Handicap report
Gerry reported that one new had applied for membership since the last meeting and this application was being processed.

The meeting for handicap review of Carton House members would be held on August 13th and will incorporate several different reports that he can draw down from Golf Ireland.

9) Competition Report
Key areas of focus since last meeting

  • Golf Genius – Trying to find workaround for various issues I think we’ll encounter. Have tried a few tests with Mark and Derbhail but not really got anywhere.
  • Match plays preceding on time, no extensions given. Longer gap between last round and next one due to lack of course availability during Ladies Irish Open
  • 215 in May medal, 191 in June medal, 180 in July medal, 167 in August medal. For next year maybe find a better date than August Bank Holiday weekend.
Key areas of focus after this meeting
  • Overdue Golfer Of The Year Update.
  • Captains Prize prep.
  • Training call with Alex Wood from Golf Genius this Wednesday.
  • Trial of Golf Genius digital scoring, but would like some answer’s on best way to proceed first, don’t want to keep changing the process we’ll be asking members to follow.
  • Too many no returns and cards not being signed, so need to send a comms to members.
  • Club V1 issue with first time visitors, need to get to the bottom of it.
  • It would be ideal to arrange a golf competition for the day after the Ladies KPMG Open
10) Junior Report

Key areas of focus since last meeting
  • All junior golf ‘senior handicap’ competitions continue to run through Golf Genius. Good feedback on the digital scoring and this method will remain in place for the remainder of the year. A few issues uncovered and feedback is with Dec Meagher. A big thanks to Dec for all his help setting up the comps..
  • Replacement cup identified for the Junior Golfer of the Year (Lee Mallaghan Memorial Trophy) – approximate cost €1000 (TBC). To be ordered ahead of the Junior Captain’s Day on the 15th September.
  • Cadet and 18-hole golfer’s outings underway on alternate weekends with some great numbers attending.
  • Golf genius digital scoring feedback on trials undertaken by juniors was given to committee.
Key areas of focus after this meeting
  • Continue to work with the Girls Junior section to plan integration into one overall Junior Section for 2025. Integrated 18 Hole competitions taking place this year.
  • Boys U15 to play Elm Park on the 17th August in Carton.
  • Volunteers for the Ladies Irish Open.
  • Junior Captain’s confirmed as Day 1 (18 Holers – 8th September) and Day 2 (for all levels) will be the 15th September.
11) AOB
Shu Hoashi reported on the progress to update the rules printed on the back of the score cards – he is still awaiting advice from Golf Ireland on one Rule 8EE5 before the updated cards are ready for printing.

Next meeting will be held on Monday 9th September 2024 at Carton House.

September 2024 Minutes

September 9th 2024 Minutes

Attendees Present:
Seamus Lynch, Adrian Murphy, Declan Meagher, Adrian Guckian, Austin Boyle, Padraic O’
Leary, Killian O’Flynn, Alan Leamy, Paul Mimnagh and John Ennis.

Apologies was received from; Shu Hoashi, Allen Corcoran, Gerry Murray, John Quinn.

1) Fairmont Update
There was no Fairmont representative present for the meeting.

2) Previous minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on August 12th were accepted.
Proposer was Adrian Murphy
Seconder was Paul Mimnagh

3) Captain’s Update
Seamus was very pleased with the success of his Captain’s Prize event and especially pleased that the weather was favourable. He congratulated Padraic O’ Leary on his win and also commented on the great buzz in the clubhouse for the prizegiving.

He congratulated Declan Meagher on the success of the Golf Genius live scoring app and felt it was a great addition to the event.

He reported on the success of the KPMG Women’s Irish Open and especially the role of the Carton Members’ who volunteered their services in various capacities. It seems likely that the event will happen again in June 2025.

4) Finance report
Committee Report – Finance 09/09/2024

Key areas of focus since last meeting

  • Ongoing payment of invoices
  • Coordination of the Fundraiser Prize Draw
  • October 19th event – should we pay for platters discussed by committee.
  • Decision on when the AGM will take place – 26th November 2024 was selected.
  • Update on Prize Draw
  • Total money collected (after sum up fees etc) €14946.00. Total spent on prizes - €1306.00
  • Net to Mens’ Club €13,640.00
  • This does not include sales of tickets by the Ladies’ Club. A proportion of the cost of the prizes will be allocated to the Ladies Club

Key areas of focus after this meeting

  • Ongoing payments
  • Prep for year end
  • Ongoing management of Prize Draw

5) Vice Captain’s Update
Well done to Seamus and Declan in particular for a very successful Captain's Prize. It was a fabulous day and ran smoothly, and long may it continue!

KPMG Women's Open
Congratulations to Chief Martial Allen Corcoran, Roisin Lyons, Killian O'Flynn and of course our juniors who all volunteered and who ran the Open like clockwork.

Baltray 28 members will tee it up and the long term forecast looks magnificent. Baltray is
always a special day in our members calendar year.

Pink Day organisation is running smoothly.
Finally, the Vice Captain's nomination for 2025 is underway and I will report back in the next meeting as to the progress.

6) Competitions Report
Key areas of focus since last meeting

  • Some progress on outstanding Golf Genius issues.
  • Captain’s Prize prep. Live Scoring both on the TV Displays in the bar and members following on their
  • phone was a huge success, with loads of very positive feedback.
  • Match plays proceeding on time. Fourball and Foursome events have reached last 8 stage. Players
  • have been notified of obligations to hand in completed cards from ¼ finals onwards.
Key areas of focus after this meeting
  • A couple of software issues with members hcps when Carton is their away club. Need to investigate
  • with Gerry.
  • Organize some mixed tee events. Need to research best way of doing them, either via Club v1 or Golf
  • Genius.
  • Need to meet with Derbhail to get to the bottom of Golf Genius master rooster issues.
  • Key items for discussion / decision
  • Need more support with Golf Genius transition. Master Rooster needs to be fully checked for errors
  • before we can proceed. Also need to agree with Golf Operations on a way to handle visitors, and
  • members playing outside of competition slots.
7) Social Report
The big event of the year Captains Day 1 & 2 concluded last Saturday and was a very successful event. The two courses were in great shape and the weather on day
2 helped make it a great day out. The day was rounded off with a great evening in the clubhouse with good food, good company and great craic. 

Declan Meagher did magnificent work with the live scoring which really added to the atmosphere in the club house. Congratulations to Seamus and to the worthy winner!!

The ladies Irish open was a great success with a record attendance. The course looked great on TV and the marshals managed the event very well. A big thank you
to all the volunteers ably led by our past captain Allen Corcoran. The members marquee allowed the members to enjoy the event and a big thank you to the staff in
the marquee who really made the event enjoyable for the members. Looking forward to next year already.

Trip to Baltray on the 20th of September has been organised by Adrian Murphy. 40 spaces available and there are a few spaces left to be filled. Need to give it one last
push to fill the remaining spaces.

Trip to Sligo on the 4th and 5th of October has been organised by Allen Corcoran. All places taken up with a few members on a waiting list. Should be a great couple of

The last Nine and Dine of the year will be held on Friday the 13th at a slightly earlier start of 5.30pm. Mary Coonan is sponsoring the prizes for the event, and it would be
great to see another big turnout to finish off the year in style. Time sheet looks very full already so let’s hope the weather is favourable.

Pink Day is on the 28th of September and there is a lot of work to do to organise the day. A sub-committee is working away in the background, but we will need everyone
to help on the day. We have about 10 teams/40 individual spaces to fill out to bring us to 30 teams. Adrian M is working on getting raffle prizes from interested parties.
An area of the carriage house is reserved for the players and food will be served around 7pm. We have two weeks to drum up support for the day and make it another great day.

Drive out is on the 19th of October and once the Pink Day is out of the way, preparations will start for this event. The big Prize Draw will be held on this day also which should bring a big crowd.

8) Interclub Teams
Key areas of focus since last meeting

  • The Girls Interclub team won the national final and the Leinster Boys u15 Interclub
  • team qualified for a provincial semi-final (to be played before 15/09/2024).
  • The Women’s Carton Cup team has also qualified for the semi-final, which will be
  • played against Headford in Carton House on 21/09/2024.
  • Overall, the club entered 25 competitions and won 43 of 65 matches to date (66%).
  • It won a national and provincial pennant and reached two other provincial finals, five
  • semi-finals and five quarter-finals across all competitions.
Next up
  • Semi-Final of the Leinster Boy’s Under 15 Interclub (scheduled for 15/09/24 TBC)
  • Semi-Final of the Women’s Carton Cup (scheduled for 21/09/24).
9) Handicap report
New Member (Intermediate) Jack Lindsay

Mid-year handicap review

  • Review completed on August 13th. In summary, one member had his handicap index reduced
  • by 2 (13.1 to 11.1) based on being 'flagged' in the Golf Ireland Handicap Review Report for
  • four low scores. The general play record of the member was a concern to the handicap
  • committee (scoring differential significantly, and consistently, higher than competition
  • rounds) and was mentioned in the letter setting out the committee's decision. Five members
  • had been 'flagged' for high scores' suggesting a need to consider an increase in handicap.
  • The committee examined each record in detail and decided that no adjustments were
  • warranted.
Replacement Cards
  • The committee decided that the policy whereby members should pay for replacement Golf Ireland cards, and that the replacements should be handled by the Carton/Fairmont team is still in place.
10) Junior Report
Key areas of focus since last meeting
  • The Boys U15’s have progressed to the Leinster semi-final to be played Saturday 14th at home against Co. Louth. U15’s beat Elm Park and Malahide (Away) since our last meeting.
  • Junior volunteers helped with the live scoring on Captain’s Day which worked very well and all
  • enjoyed participating.
  • Photographs for Junior Captain’s headshots photographs to be taken this week for pictures to be placed on wall beside the senior Captain’s.
  • Number of junior volunteers also took part in the Ladies Irish Open days.
  • Junior Captain’s Day 1 took place yesterday 8th September for our 18-hole golfers.
  • All junior golf ‘senior handicap’ competitions continue to run through Golf Genius. Good
  • feedback on the digital scoring and this method will remain in place for the remainder of the year. A few issues uncovered and feedback is with Dec Meagher. A big thanks to Dec for all his help setting up the comps.
  • Replacement cup identified for the Junior Golfer of the Year (Lee Mallaghan Memorial Trophy) – approximate cost €1000 (TBC). To be ordered ahead of the Junior Captain’s Day on the 15th September.
  • Cadet and 18-hole golfer’s outings underway on alternate weekends with some great numbers
  • attending.
Next up for Juniors
  • Continue to work with the Girls Junior section to plan integration into one overall Junior Section for 2025. Integrated 18 Hole competitions taking place this year.
  • Boys U15 to play Leinster semi-final in Co. Louth on the 14th Sept in Carton.
  • Junior Captain’s Day 2 (for all levels) will be the 15th September.
  • Junior Captain’s Day 2 – Senior Mens & Ladies Captain to attend.
  • Junior Captain’s photographs to be placed on wall this week beside current Senior Mens & Ladies Captain’s on the stairwell.
11) AOB
Next meeting will be held on Monday 7th October 2024 at Carton House

October 2024 Minutes

October 14th 2024 Minutes

Attendees Present:
Seamus Lynch, Adrian Murphy, Declan Meagher, Adrian Guckian, Austin Boyle, Gerry Murray, Killian O’Flynn, Paul Mimnagh and John Ennis

Apologies was received from; Shu Hoashi, Allen Corcoran, John Quinn, Alan Leamy and Padraic O’ Leary

Fairmont Update
There was no Fairmont representative present for the meeting although Seamus Lynch had received some info from Liam McCool.

  • Memberships rates for 2025, this will be discussed in more detail at our upcoming council meeting on Wednesday evening.
  • Locker rooms- To help with safety the men’s changing room will be accessed by using the code 7777, we are trying to limit the number of non-golfers having access to this area.
  • Women’s Irish Open 2025-at the moment we are awaiting confirmation that this event will hosted at Carton again next year. Either way we should have confirmation over the next few weeks
Course update: Liam McCool
  • Buggies are still allowed on both courses, we hope to have these out until the end of October weather depending.
  • The driving range is also still open; we will review this facility on a weekly basis.
  • Over 400 tons of sand has recently been applied to both courses, this programme will continue over the winter with another 200-33 ton due to applied between both courses.
  • Pathways need to be prepared for the winter with some paths being extended on certain holes.
  • Irrigation repair work will be carried out over the winter on irrigation heads that have dropped below ground level (sunken)
  • Currently Fairmont are looking at the leveling of some tees on the O’ Meara course especially the white tee on 15th hole and creating more teeing area on the 7th hole, this would be one of the main projects over the winter months.
  • Winter aeration programme will commence in November, dates should be booked over the coming week and communicated to members.
Previous minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on September 8th were accepted.
Proposer was Adrian Murphy
Seconder was Killian O’ Flynn

Captain’s Update – Seamus Lynch
Key areas of focus since last meeting
  • Junior Captains’ Prize – fabulous day on Sunday, 15th. Great turnout of juniors and parents. Congratulations to Aoife and Brian, and to all the prize-winners, especially Annabel and Alex. Many thanks to Austin, Colin, John and Sheelagh for their efforts, in preparation and on the day. Best wishes to Cara and Luke for 2025.
  • Co. Louth day – many thanks to Adrian for organising a super day, and to Declan for the competitions side of it. Great turnout and great craic.
  • Pink/Blue Charity Day – many thanks to all of the sub-committee for their efforts in preparation for this great day, to the Junior girls also, and to all our sponsors of tee-boxes, prizes and to all our participants. A total of €10,834 raised, divided equally between Play in Pink and Jack & Jill.
  • Hard luck to our Boys U15 team who were gallant in defeat to Baltinglass in the Leinster Final. Christopher, Tim and Tom did us proud.
  • Sligo trip – many thanks to Allen for all his efforts in organising the Sligo trip. A great turnout, great courses and food and craic.
  • Gerry Duffy – I gave a gift to Gerry on his departure from Carton on Friday last, on behalf of the Men’s Club. We appreciate his help and support over the past 21 years!
  • Thanks to all committee members for their contributions and efforts this month – much appreciated.
Key areas of focus after this meeting
  • Council meeting – with Martin, Liam and John.
  • Prize Draw social / Drive-Out on Saturday, 19th – preparation and the day itself
  • Website / Golf Genius / ClubV1 – progress towards a final decision on these
  • Scorecards – wordings and indices - finalise and send to Liam
  • End of Year prizes – progress these in advance of our end-of-year social on Saturday, 14 December.
  • AGM – finalise date
  • Support committee members, as required
5) Finance report - Adrian Guckian
Key areas of focus since last meeting
  • Sale of tickets continuing – thanks to Paul for Newsletter update.
  • Ongoing payment of invoices
  • Coordination of the Fundraiser Prize Draw – meetings later this week to coordinate for Saturday’s Drive Out.
Key areas of focus after this meeting
  • Ongoing payments
  • Prep for year end
  • Meeting Eugene to go through accounts and prep for AGM
6) Vice Captain’s Update- Adrian Murphy
Trip to Baltray September 20th.
26 Members teed it up for breakfast, golf and dinner. Weather was magnificent and the day was a huge success. There was one stop on the way home in the usual Thatched pub to watch Leinster rugby match.
Next year plans are underway for a surprise away day.

Key areas of focus after this meeting
Men’s club Levy – due to increased costs and inflation I feel that we need to increase the levy by a small amount (50 Euro) in order to help with the future events in the club house. We have not increased it for a number of years and we are operating at a loss if we continue we the current levy.

Plans for 2025
  • Plans are underway for the 2025 diary.
  • It is difficult to nail the dates in stone until we get confirmation of the KPMG Women’s Irish Open date.
  • The 2025 Vice Captain nomination will be soon ratified and I am awaiting the deliberating committee to come back to me shortly.
6) Competitions Report – Declan Meagher
Key areas of focus since last meeting
  • Golf Genius transition, no real progress with outstanding issues. Alex says the instant tee sync which was supposed to be live by July/Aug is still a month or two away.
  • Match plays proceeding on time, I’ve been liaising with semi-final winners to try to get all finals on same day (20th October). I’m hoping to set up live scoring for the finals.
  • Working on 2025 diary with both VC’s and Ladies Comp Sec.
  • Analysis of stroke index data on both courses.
  • Mixed Tee test. 48 played semi open on Wednesday 9th. 5 played the greens and 1 off the blues. No issues reported with sign in which was good.
  • Hole Indexes need to be redone on both courses to make them more evenly divided for match play.
  • iGolf scheme discussed: Some clubs have decided to ban them from competitions, do we need to do anything with regards semi open is an open question to be monitored.
Key areas of focus after this meeting
  • Drive Out prep.
  • Golf Genius test with scorecards, would need to buy different label printer (cost around €100, not including labels)
  • Set up meeting with Derbhail/Gerry/Lisa to sort Golf Genius Master Rooster issues, and ascertain the correct protocols for adding new members to BRS/Golf Ireland.
  • Meet with Golf operations to discuss new protocols needed to use Golf Genius.
  • Format for Autumn League.
7) Handicaps Report – Gerry Murray
Gerry Murray reported on new members as follows:

Senan Ryan

Corporate (Fuartech Limited)
Paul McMahon
Gareth Higgins
David McMahon
James McMahon
Leon McMahon

Corporate (P4ML)
Patrick J Moloney

None of the corporate members sought to join the Men's Club for 2024, but they have indicated a desire to join in 2025.

Annual Handicap Review 2024
Planning work is underway

8) Social Report
There was no social report

9) Interclub Teams – Killian O’ Flynn
Start of North Leinster Senior Alliance league 2024/25.
Planning for 2025 Season.

General Update
The Men’s Club continued to increase the number of winning teams this season. There were 9 winnings teams across 13 men’s competitions in 2024. This has increased from 4 teams in 2021, 6 in 2022 and 7 in 2023.

Overall, Team Carton played 76 matches in 26 interclub competitions this season. It won 49 matches (64%) and claimed three pennants (Girls and Ladies teams).
It also appeared in three other finals, four semi-finals and five quarter-finals.

The Men’s club (including Juniors) played 44 matches across 17 competitions. It won 26 of these matches (59%) and appeared in one final (Boys u15). It also appeared in three other semi-finals and three quarter-finals.

Team Carton has won 11 pennants over the last three years.
Pennants have now been won by Men’s, Women’s, Boy’s, Girl’s and Mixed teams. The win rate for men’s teams has averaged 58% (up from 47% in 2021).

10) Junior Report – Austin Boyle
Key areas of focus since last meeting
  • Junior Captain’s Day 2 (15th September)– event held in September and a great success all round. Alex Hoshi won the overall Junior Captain’s Competition.
  • Junior Captain’s photographs are on wall current Senior Men’s & Ladies Captain’s on the stairwell.
  • The Boys U15’s beaten in the Leinster final. A shame of lose to Greystones but a great effort by all.
  • Replacement cup handed out to Hugo Manchip for the Junior Golfer of the Year (Lee Mallaghan Memorial Trophy) at Junior Captain’s Day on the 15th September.
  • Cadet lessons now underway.
  • Luke Boyle and Cara Fitzpatrick will be the new Junior Captain’s for 2025.
  • Additional Junior members to request to join and change in approach for recruitment of Juniors. To be discussed at the new Council meeting.
Key areas of focus after this meeting
  • Continue to work with the Girls Junior section to plan integration into one overall Junior Section for 2025. Integrated 18 Hole competitions taking place this year.
  • Additional Junior members to request to join and change in approach for recruitment of Juniors.
  • Operation of lessons between October and March
11) Communications – Paul Mimnagh
All communications going out as normal, by newsletter via email, mainly on a Friday afternoon.
Topics mainly covered being Competitions, Inter-club, Club match plays, and social events.
Other more urgent comms. being sent via the members WhatsApp group, covering topics such as course updates, and live scoring on major competitions or team events.

12) AOB
There was no other business

The next meeting will be held on November 4th 2024.

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